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The Creation Today Show with Eric Hovind:


The Transgender movement has been pushed on everybody around the world.  That’s why I want you to hear from my friend William Allen who lived for 30 years as a female, even though he’s a biological male.  And just a few years ago… de-transitioned.  His story is powerful, it flies in the face of what the world today is trying to push on society.  Listen to this story.

Today William is living a restored life and his story offers a profound message of hope, forgiveness, and identity in Christ.  Join Eric Hovind and William Allen as they discuss the obstacles he faced during his de-transition, his new mission to spread the Gospel, and his efforts to warn parents about the dangers of the trans agenda.

Doug TenNapel In Exile:


Nov 26, 2024  Detransition Dougtennapel WilliamAllen

This is a fascinating interview with William Allen, who lived as a woman for 30 years then heard the Gospel and detransitioned. Thank you for watching Doug TenNapel In Exile. Please subscribe to join the Happy Patriots!

Moms Against The Norm: A Conversation With Emily


Emily Duggan, a parent’s rights advocate, sits down with William Allen, the author of Not Man Enough To Be A Woman.  William lived 30 years as a Trans Woman only to grow to regret his decision to change genders.  After detransitioning in 2023 William wrote a book about his story.  Describing his book as “a love story and an apology to my family” William goes into great detail about his journey into and out of transgender life.  One of those avenues being easier than the other.  William uses the last three chapters of his book to warn parents and share facts about the Transgender movement we are experiencing today.

Grab a tea and get comfy, this is an episode you don’t want to miss, especially if lived experience is what you are looking for.  Emily Duggan and Moms Against The Norm would like to thank William for his time and efforts to share truth and perspective around the transgender movement. It takes an awful lot to throw yourself into the public eye and we are indebted to people like William for doing so. Thank you Will, for all you are and all you have done. We need you.